Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Rocknaldo: Steven Universe Review

Look, if this wasn't such a scenario then I wouldn't review this. I have decided to stop reviewing Steven Universe episodes and the reason is... Well, I'll go into it at the end of this review. For now, the basic idea is that the episode was such a display that I had to review it.

I know this episode is getting a lot of negative reactions and I can see why. Though I'm not passionate enough to have an instant hate and will try to use this to my advantage here. Instead, I will begin by saying that the writers of Steven Universe have had long enough to spot and fix a problem, but instead decided to capitalize on it in the worst of ways.

So the episode is basically... The most disliked character in SU acts even worse than usual, to the point that I feel like this is out of character for him, and the episode makes bland meta jokes that don't make up for the obvious annoyance that they portray. The episode tries to be witty, but instead manages to show why this season has felt so empty.

The Plot:

The episode begins with Ronaldo spreading material about the Crystal Gems, or Rock People, that he believes about. Steven points out that it's wrong and is clearly offended, but explains that he's uninformed. Ronaldo has an overdramatic display of apology... That feels extremely fake for someone whose been able to show emotions in the past.

Back at the Temple, the Crystal Gems talk dismissively about Ronaldo's internet pity-party, which ends with them finding out that he wants to join the Crystal Gems. The Gems don't agree, but Steven talks them into letting him stay. (This whole thing is obviously a reference to people who want Connie, Lapis, and other characters to become Crystal Gems.)

Steven then talks to Ronaldo, who mentions his Gemsona, Bloodstone, and then shows his sword... So, let's address the elephant in the room now. Yes, Cartoon Network teased about a new gem and it turned out to be Ronaldo. The trick was clearly see-through. The only thing annoying about this is that, alas, the show recognizes that the episode is annoying and plays into it like it is funny. While, again, I don't hate this episode, I know plenty of people are already bitter towards it.

Because the irony is this; making fun of your fans by making a character an awful mess doesn't always equal laughs. It was funny when Peridot made ships because, as goofy as she acted, she was still a lovable character. It's not funny when Ronaldo make an OC, but this is strictly because of what happens after this point in the episode.

The moment when Steven and Ronaldo play around with him being a gem is actually sweet for a short moment, but it turns sour quick.

The Crystal Gems have a mission- don't worry, they don't show it or explain anything about it- and leave Ronaldo behind. Ronaldo is upset, somewhat understandable, but almost immediately starts acting like a jerk. He begins to be bitter towards Steven and tells him to show off his gem. Steven does, uncomfortably.

That night, Ronaldo explains that he's no longer sleeping and keeps Steven awake. He tells Steven that, as a gem, he should stay awake all night. He's again being bitter, or maybe self-centered, it's hard to tell the difference. The next day, Ronaldo asks about Connie and doesn't understand why she gets treated better than him.

Steven calls him out as not being a Crystal Gem, Ronaldo calls Steven out for not being loving and understanding, Steven leaves but realizes he wasn't in the wrong and returns to a delirious Ronaldo. He yells at him and Ronaldo passes out. They drop him outside, poke jokes at him, and then the three headed Crystal Gem unit leaves.

Some time later, Steven finds Ronaldo staring out at the ocean. He's being angsty and starts to apologize, but it then sort of turns into a self-praise session instead of an actual apology. Then for the last few seconds of the episode he asks Steven about his name, briefly acting like a normal person, and the episode ends.

The Review:

...So the flaws are obvious; the writers decided that, instead of fixing Ronaldo's character, they were going to embrace it and make him act like the worst person ever. It's not even funny and the episode doesn't seem willing to make jokes that are actually funny. Then few of them that were identifiable were pretty weak.

I don't remember Ronaldo being such a jerk in the earlier episodes. Yes, he was unhinged in his first appearance, but in the second one he was, at least, a little nicer. This time, they tried their hardest to make him completely unlikable. They don't make Ronaldo a more fleshed out character, they don't build on him at all, and they (maybe) write off his behavior from sleep deprivation.

That still, Ronaldo continuously acts like a jerk to Steven. He treats Steven more aggressively than Lars does, and his change from 'happy' to 'jealous' is almost immediate. Maybe Ronaldo can't understand how he would need to train before his mission, but I'm not sure that I believe he, as Steven's friend, would become so aggressive so quickly.

Also, the Crystal Gems are doing there 'nothing to do/hive mind' thing again. All three appear at the same time, make comments, and leave until later. They feel shoehorned in since them being there and their dialogue is mostly pointless. They are there because they have to be there, and that's all they do.

Steven's... Okay. He's just Steven. He gets upset, he gets concerned, he gets annoyed, and he's supportive. He does what he usually does... Though the episode doesn't give him much to do. Steven just seems like the designated 'victim' of the episode.

Like The New Crystal Gems, which I didn't review, this episode has an uncomfortably mean-spirited tone with even less of an outcome. Though I think that one left a more bitter taste in my mouth. This one... Sort of just disappointed me. I cared enough about this one to rewatch and make this review, so that's something.

I'd like to clarify that I don't dislike this episode because it isn't a plot-centric episode. I dislike it because it's actually filler (no character building of any real kind) and it's not even fun or amusing. It's just so hard to watch because you can see where they're trying to be meta, but just can't achieve anything better than a reference.

How I would make it better:

This is actually very basic as this plotline is not a new one. Here's my ideas.

Ronaldo wants to join the Gems, Steven talks for him, he joins. Then, instead of being a jerk, Ronaldo is annoying in understandable ways and generally unfit for the job. Such as him getting overexcited, putting his stuff everywhere, constantly swinging his sword around; doing stuff that the Gems would get annoyed at but the audience could understand. Then they give Ronaldo a basic mission, or errand really, and Ronaldo fails.

Steven finally has to tell Ronaldo that he is unfit for the job. Either one or two options occur:

1: Ronaldo is distraught and falls into depression, Steven feels guilty, but weeks later Ronaldo appears again and apologizes. He realizes that he wasn't really professional and decides that he wants to 'earn' a place at the Crystal Gems. For now, he will continue to spread information that they approve, and he hopes someday to be a part of the group.

2: Ronaldo gets angry and calls out Steven's lack of compassion, Steven calls him back out on his behavior, and Ronaldo decides to 'prove' he's fit for the job. Maybe by successfully completing the errand. Though in this process he realizes that he was goofing around and he and Steven mend their relationship. Ronaldo decides to take the job as 'Crystal Gem' more seriously and moves back home so that he can continue studying and training out of the way.

Either of these would both allow Ronaldo to grow, make Steven realize the difference between friends and partners, and would give a more hopeful end to the episode. Instead... Ronaldo is a jerk who nobody respects and the episode just stops in the same place it started.

Or, also still, have the entire episode the same, but then when Steven calls out Ronaldo, have Ronaldo realize his mistake and actually apologize. It wouldn't fix the lack of jokes, or give the episode a real point, but at least I would feel a little better once the episode was over. That's something.

Final Thoughts:

While Ronaldo has a slew of poor episodes, Rocknaldo goes above and beyond to make Ronaldo even more unlikable. It doesn't manage to bring around any good or even new jokes, and is unable to do anything more than make a few basic references. The moral of the episode is shot and, while shows don't have to have morals, this one suffers from a lack of direction.

It's another example of using Steven as a sympathy card on us. After last week, it's hard to efficiently feel bad for Steven over something so little. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are only there because they have to be and don't really do anything except for the standard. Again, Ronaldo's character declines even further.

If there's any sort of reference in here towards foreshadowing... Then it's hard to care for it. The only thing close was mind controlling water, and something about that premise sounds just a little... Okay, I'll be blunt; I think mind control always falls into cheap plot developments. I'm not impressed. Though, again, it's hard to get excited about a show that has so many episodes like this.

Is Rocknaldo one of the worst episodes I've seen? Maybe, mostly because it has no payoff or legit use except character destruction. However, am I surprised to see it this season?... Not entirely. I sort of knew this was eventually coming. I may watch it again in the future, but only to poke fun of it and use it as an example of 'filler' in Steven Universe. Or, at least, a bad episodes.

Why I stopped reviewing Steven Universe:

SU is going down a path that I'm not interested in. The once fleshed out characters feel like they are reverting to 'just being there'. Or in Lapis and Peridot's cases, seem to become more unlikable every time I see them, rendering once interesting characters into broken joke machines.

Even Steven has gone from a genuinely nice and entertaining kid to constantly angsting. I get it, it's his age, but it's hard to watch a once bubbly but determined, fierce but caring, character devolve into one whose constantly lamenting about Rose. I don't just mean 'Storm in the Room' either. Remember that episode where the show averted tropes by having Steven be indifferent towards Rose, unable to cry for her, because he never got to know her?

Well, now he's constantly in a state of turmoil of the Rose. I know it's supposed to be character development, but he's not exactly developing. He's more 'stuck in the normal protagonist rut'. He's sharing an issue, a lament, and angst that tones of other protagonists share. I can't really help but feel less attached.

And now the worst has happened with plot-centric and slice-of-life episodes. Plot-centric episodes now drop hints, but don't exactly have a bang for their buck. Most of the time they are just present to suggest towards something more interesting that will eventually come to be.

Meanwhile, slice-of-life episodes no longer show much character development and interaction. This is because the show sometimes becomes afraid to break up the 'gem' unit.

Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are always stuck together. Peridot and Lapis are always stuck together. So there's even fewer episodes where they break apart and bond with other people. How much better would 'The New Crystal Gems' have been if there were more humans and less Peridot and Lapis bickering. What if Lapis met Sadie and Lars? Would she actually be amused by Lars cynical nature? These could've been interesting interactions that the show is too scared to tell.

What if, in Rocknaldo, Ronaldo had private incidents with each of the gems that convinced him that he was not ready to join them? Instead of just annoying Steven, we see how each Gem would've reacted, felt, and how patient they would've been with him. Instead, they're stuck together.

What about Peridot and Ronaldo? These two have a lot of common interests, but how would they act if they were friends? What things would happen between them? Would they compete on the internet, or would they somehow be friendly with each other? We may never know this because, as it is, humans and gems barely interact unless Steven's playing a barrier between them.

On the whole, I've been getting more into Star vs. the Forces of Evil. While not as serious as Steven Universe, I find that I get a lot more entertainment out of it. More amusement, more obvious character transformations, and the plot is growing at a healthier rate. I can't wait until Season 3... Meanwhile, I almost missed last week's episode of SU.

What do I think would make the show better? More diverse character interactions, saving the cast from the character potholes they're stuck in, more fun episodes that don't need to rely on 'what's in', and more episodes of equal plot and slice-of-life. Like, why can't we get another Centipeedle episode? Or why can't the group talk about Jasper in an episode that doesn't involve her?

It's as though SU holds all of its aces close to its chest and deals them out spaciously, but recently has waited longer and longer in between these aces. I'm hoping maybe this season has just been a bore and it will eventually right itself, but as it is I find myself less interested in looking towards episodes. And, considering our last finale, I can't rightly say that I look forward to the finale either.

So that's all that I have to say here. I give Rocknaldo a rock out of Ronaldo; that should sum my feelings up exactly.

As for reviews... Meh, I don't know. I may eventually do more, but for now I find it hard to force myself to write an essay on a lackluster episode... Or a lackluster season.

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